Importance of U.S Foreign Aid

Hey Delegates,

This article relates to the foreign aid that the US gives to its allies and those countries in need. In 2017, the Trump Administration proposed a 28% cut in spending for the USAID.

Is this cut warranted or unfeasible?

What is the importance of military aid? Many politicians have been known to favor aid, and think it is important as it helps to foster "economic growth and democratization". But then why is it the case that the US government is looking to cut aid spending?

The article takes a look into specific examples and talks about how the US could benefit from these cuts, or could be putting itself and its credibility in danger.

Here is the link:


  1. The delegation of China fully supports America’s choices to cut its military aid spending. It believes that it is the United States’ choice to decide where to put its funds, and if prioritizing their own citizens is important to them, they should not feel pressured or constrained by other countries to put their own money elsewhere. A country’s financial backing towards other nations, or lack thereof, will not taint or diminish their reputation, as there is a global understanding that the allocation of funds should be left to the own country’s discretion. China fully recognizes America’s right to appropriate its money to domestic issues and commends them for taking it upon themselves to attend to their homeland expenses first before dispersing its finances elsewhere. Looking over America’s surmountable debt, we see it as a reasonable decision to allocate its funds to methods that will help it.

    On the contrary, China has been steadily increasing its military aid to other countries. The United States should not have to carry all this weight on their shoulders, as many countries have already taken it upon themselves to fund and assist their own people. Over a 15 year period, China had given 354.3 billion US dollars in foreign developmental spending, compared to America’s 394.6 billion dollars. Now, China actually outspends the US annually. These funds have gone to over 140 countries/territories (Murphy, 2017). Therefore, America should be able to do what it wishes with its funds as other powerful countries, such as China, increases foreign developmental spending and foreign aid.

    -Delegation of China

    Morris, Scott. “Opinion: China, U.S. to Reverse Roles in Aid Priorities.” Caixin Global,

    Murphy, Tom. “Find Out Some (But Not All) The Secrets Of China's Foreign Aid.” NPR, NPR,
    31 Oct. 2017,

  2. As the delegation of the United States, the cut of foreign aid is highly warranted. Under the Trump administration, a strong emphasis has been put on foreign military support rather than diplomatic, unnecessary programs. This includes a cut of funding for programs of science, climate change and non-necessities that don't support military involvement. When putting America first, the cuts come as highly justified due to their increase support for the economic prosperity of America, rather than recipient nations.

    The importance of military aid for the United States has been to create stabilization and global security. Supporting some of the most hostile regions on earth, the United States supports over 160 countries. Military aid not only helps stabilize hostile regions but gives access to military infrastructure to recipient nations. In turn, allowing them, to become self-sufficient and prevent future altercations that they may encounter. The United States is looking to cut aid spending in select areas like agriculture enforcement, environmental protection, and similar "Non-necessary" programs. In addition, it would increase domestic defense spending by 54 billion dollars, and direct military aid to select regions in the United States highest interest.

    The Delegation of the United States

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The delegation of Panama believes that foreign aid is very important to the world. It's important to help each other and countries who are In need of help, especially if the country is financially struggling due to past leaders and mistakes. Foreign aid helps keep close bonds and allies which is beneficial in economic growth. Seeing as much as the United States helps us with foreign aid we support this decision and the decisions that are best for them.

    The United States demonstrates global security as they are the top supplier for foreign aid to many countries. Countries lacking materials know they have the ability to count on them and other countries for help. We think the United States decision is warranted due to how much they spend annually on foreign aid. The United States is responsible for $49 billion in military assistance to 142 countries as of 2016. We believe America should use it's money for what they see fit as they will still be supplying foreign aid to many countries.

    The Delegation of Panama

  5. Foreign aid is of utmost importance to the delegation of Andorra. Foreign aid helps to stabilize impoverished areas vulnerable to the violent rise of extremist groups that threaten global relations. The provision of foreign aid to impoverished countries helps to advance the world economy as a whole through the improvement of infrastructure and government in such regions to enable industry, jobs, and stability. In order to advance the global economy and protect the citizens of countries around the world, it is essential that first world countries such as the United States aid in the growth of third world countries. If the United States and other Western nations fail to do so, it is quite possible that less favorable powers, both domestic and foreign, may take control of disadvantaged nations for exploitation and disruption of peace.

    However, this weight should not solely fall on the United States. It is the responsibility of all first world countries work to benefit the citizens of third world countries. If the United States cannot afford to support as many nations as it is currently, their cuts in funding are justified. But accommodations must be made to make up for this loss. The delegation of Andorra looks forward to working with fellow delegations to find a solution to this quandary.

  6. As the delegation of Botswana we recognize both the positive and negative consequences to military aid. Since 2004 our country has received aid from the United States, and it has totaled to around 750 million US dollars. After gaining independence from the United Kingdom in 1966, Botswana struggled to provide a stable government and a successful economy. However after receiving aid from the United States, and utilizing their help to work towards a democratic society, Botswana has seen the positive outcomes of aid within their own country. With this aid they were able to strengthen their country as a whole, and has even almost doubled their life expectancy rate within the past ten years, from thirty seven to sixty. However Botswana became very dependent on the United States for funding. With the recent deductions to the amount of aid Botswana has been receiving, Botswana has realized they must work towards becoming a more independent society. They have been working towards creating more infrastructure, and educational opportunities for their citizens. Along with this they have been attending United States military training programs, which allows the government officials to become educated on how to run a democratic society, as well as how to properly run their military. To add to this Botswana has been working to increase allies with other nations, and to increase the trade and commerce within their country. Overall receiving aid from the United States temporarily helped Botswana grow as a country, but it is necessary for countries to not rely on aid for a long period of time. By relying on aid these countries become dependent, thus worsting their conditions when a country no longer provides this aid. Due to these circumstance Botswana believes it is imperative to only utilize aid for a short period of time, then allow the country to focus on projects and programs independently that will support the growth of their economy, thus uplifting their society as a whole.


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