Introduction - Jolie Leung

Hey delegates! Welcome to DISEC!!

My name is Jolie Leung, and I’ll be another one of your vice chairs this year. I’m a first year here at Cal pursuing a major in political science, and I’m very excited to see what research and arguments you all bring to committee! Our topics are extremely relevant to the international community, and I am a firm believer that discourse is critical to further education and meaningful action in the world today. I hope to see some great discourse and argumentation from you all throughout conference.

Aside from BMUN, I also work part time as an assistant public forum debate coach for my high school, Archbishop Mitty in San Jose. Both these opportunities offer great experiences to educate and discuss current events and more with my peers, as I hope you get to do during conference.

As far as academic interests go, I am particularly passionate about learning about socioeconomic inequality, the criminal justice system, disparities in the voting system, and environmental policy. Outside of school and these involvements, I enjoy hiking and rock climbing with friends, playing with my dog, and traveling - both locally and internationally! 

I can’t wait to meet all you delegates in March and see what you’ve been working on! 


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