Introduction: Shayna Kothari

Hello delegates, and welcome to DISEC!

My name is Shayna Kothari, and I'll be one of your vice chairs during BMUN LXVII! I'm a second-year student here at Cal studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with a minor in Human Rights, and I'm excited to be chairing you. The topics we'll be discussing are important topics in international relations, and I hope to see a lot of great dialogue over the course of the conference.

On campus, I'm also involved in assistive technology design, prison education programs, and computer science education. Outside of school, I enjoy learning about technology ethics, poetry, and the environment (also: superheroes). In my free time, I love to peruse the aisles of Trader Joe's and read books!

I'm excited to meet you in March, and I can't wait to see what you bring to the table!


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