Ruchirangad Sharma

Esteemed Delegates!

My name is Ruchiangad Sharma, and I am honored to be the Head Chair for this DISEC committee in the 67th edition of Berkeley Model United Nations! I will be accompanied by a lovely group of people, Habiiba, Jolie and Shayna, who's intros you can find on this blog! I am super excited to get to know you all and hopefully all is going well on your end!

So a little bit about me: I am currently a Sophomore here at UC Berkeley intending to study Economics and Business Administration. I love the course material and am really interested in this field mostly because of the huge part it plays in day to day life. When I am not swamped with work, I like to blow off steam by playing Cricket with some of my friends or even just watching it! (World Cup in June, so I am pumped!). Apart from that, I also love to watch TV shows, with some of my favorites being Sherlock, Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Chuck.

With regards to my topics, I chose them because they play a super important part in today's global conversations. Cyberterrorism and military aid (provision) are issues that need to be addressed now more than ever and hence debating on them in these sessions would be pivotal to allow each and every single one of you to understand its implications and how, if possibly, it can be resolved.

In the weeks leading up to the conference, my vice chairs and I will be posting articles and other important information that will be helpful for your research and will hopefully give you more exposure to these topics. Please feel free to comment on these posts to ask for clarifications, questions or even just to spark a discussion. BMUN is above all, a learning conference, and so the more we engage with one another, the more we will learn and grow!

Please feel free to reach me at any time throughout this process, and see you all soon!!



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