Venezuela ft U.S. Military Aid

Hi Delegates,

As you must be aware, Venezuela has been in a crisis since 2016. One that has led to hyperinflation and political unrests to mention a few. Russia has been reported to provide military aid to the incumbent government.

The following article is about the recent move by the US Military to ensure things don't spiral out of control for Venezuela and the rest of the world.

A couple of things to note:

- Venezuela is neighbors with Colombia which happens to be country the US has been trying to keep in check due to its drug trafficking history to the U.S.

- Venezuela has twice as the number of generals and ranking army officers as the U.S military.

As you read this article, I would for you to think of ways this new move by the U.S. military could protect the people of Venezuela or exacerbate the crisis in the South American region. Think about what this means in terms of U.S. - Russia relationship as well.



  1. Supplying humanitarian aid to the Venezuelan border has done no good to the citizens who are suffering in Venezuela. Not only is the United States loosing money and supplies that could be used and valued elsewhere, but it is useless to the citizens. The delegation of Iran would like to propose the US hold off on sending additional aid to Venezuela. Though humanitarian aid can be of resourcefulness to the citizens, continuing to send supplies accomplishes nothing. In addition, to avoid harsh diplomatic problems with Russia, or other nations involved in the crisis, the US should refrain from implementing military aid into Venezuela. This situation similarly reflects that of the middle east, where the US aggressively imposes their own actions without thinking of the repercussions. The delegation of Iran would like to propose that US hold diplomatic discussions with Russia. In doing so, the US and Russia may mitigate their relationship and respect the sovereignty of Venezuela. Diplomatic discussions allow for both countries to develop comprehensible solutions and help the Venezuelan citizens.

    - Delegation of Iran

  2. The delegation of Andorra recognizes that the United States maintains good intentions in its actions in Venezuela. However, Andorra believes that military and humanitarian aid would be foolish at this moment. The provision of large amounts of humanitarian aid to such a starved population could lead to massive riots and warfare that could turn the region into a battleground. It is necessary that some aid be provided, but it must not be from a biased party, or else there is a massive risk of increased violence and a worsened situation for the people of Venezuela. The United States could easily provide non-weaponized aid by helping to fund international NGOs operating in the area. The provision of military aid would almost certainly lead to all out warfare that could cost billions and further destablize the region rather than improve the situation. At this point, it would be extraordinarily unwise to provide military aid, especially without the explicit approval of the citizens of both Venezuela and the United States. A military operation could leave a massive power vacuum and hatred towards the United States that would culminate in the rise of extremist organizations and increased violence and crime in a region where the drug trade is already an issue.

    The delegation of Andorra believes that before resorting to clearly biased aid provisions and warfare, discussions should be held between representatives of the United States, the Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro, the government of Juan Guaido, Russia, and other countries in the region that are or could be effected, such as Colombia.

    The delegation of Andorra looks forward to working with fellow delegations.


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